Bebekişi Turkey Series Synopsis
Woman and man, family life, full of much debate, but also full of love. If to this we add another marriage and a baby, it would be just great, is not it? In exactly the way we all dreamed of: married, happy and have many children. At the beginning of this case, it may be ... But let's face it.
In the film, writer Murat Gyurvardara, the main role in which play NurgyulEshilchay and Timur Acar, as well as many other talented actors like NevraSerezli, AysheNilShamoglu, Bora Akkash, play another actor whose name will surprise vseh.Eto talented actor ErkanDzhan that their beautiful voice will voice the role of baby Yankees.
In the series, "It's childish," will be shown how life has changed young couples after the birth of the baby Yankees. Separate theme of the film will be a kind of perception of the world baby Yankees.
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Year: 2013
Director: Tolga Karachelik
Scenario: Murat Gyurvardar
Cast: Bora Cengiz Hakan Altuntash, Didem Taslan, Nurgun Eshilchay Timur Acar, Nerva Serezli, Blra Akkash AIChE Nil Shamoglu, Gyuray Kip, Zafer Diper
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