"Voluptuous presentations dancer Salome collected a huge number of spectators. This girl grew up without parents and seen in her life a lot of grief. One local guy named Beto loves straw, but it does not share his feelings.
Family Montesines resides in dismay as Angela, the wife of Julio can not get pregnant. Domineering mother Julio - Lukresiya dreaming about the appearance of the grandson. Like Diego, stepbrother Angel leads to their house dancers, one of which Salome. Between her and Julio inflames passion.
Genre: Drama
Year: 2001
Director: Sergio Jimenez
Scenario: Marcia Del Rio, Arturo Moya Grau
Producer: Ramon Ortiz, Juan Osorio
Cast: Sebastian Ligarde, Edith Gonzalez, Guy Ecker, Maria Rubio, Patricia Reyes Spindola Aaron Hernan, Raul Ramirez, Jaime Garza, Julian Bravo, Carlos Eduardo Rico
Salomé - Mexico Serial
By Babas
2001 Mexico , Drama Mexico , Mexico
![Different Themes](https://sphotos-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1374_662788490405127_198489364_n.png)
Written by Lovely
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